3 AcuPoints for Anxiety
One of the most wonderful things about being an acupuncturist is the ability to stimulate points on my own body when I need to. If I get a headache, or..
What Does “Eating Healthy” Really Mean in TCM?
Do you consider yourself a healthy eater? Do you follow the guidelines set forth by the government for healthy eating? Or have you gone rogue? There are as many different..
How Acupuncture Can Help with Spring Allergies!
Allergies, seasonal or otherwise, is one of the biggest health issues people deal with in the United States. And the numbers are rising every year. Part of this is because..
Acupuncture for Kidney and Bladder Health
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the bladder is one of the six yang organs, paired with one of the six yin organs. The yin organs store vital substances (such as..
Why Am I So Cold?
Everyone feels cold sometimes, but some people are perpetually chilled to a point where it interferes with their lives. From a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) perspective, there are two different..